
Joanne, Loss of Memory

2002        Unique        13 x 6.5 x 7 inches. University of Washington State

A collection of memories of the artist’s mother. In 1951 Joanne was the first woman scientist at the University of Delaware’s Marine Science program. She lost her position after falling in love and marrying a colleague. At that time married couples were unable to work together at the University.

Housed in a doll trunk lined with handmade paper from Spartina marsh grass are maps, photographs, palm leaf books, shells and her dissecting kit and research paper describing plankton populations in the Delaware Bay in the 1950s. Included is a small notebook where she writes often trying to reconcile her loss of memory  as she declines into Alzheimer’s disease.

R/V Joanne Daiber

Joanne Currier Daiber gave up a career in marine science for love, but she never gave up her love of marine science.

Now, a new ship to support coastal research and education at UD has been named for Daiber, who was the first female marine scientist hired by the University—in an era when few women entered scientific fields.


Brother's Keeper


Salty Memoirs