A Brother’s Keeper or so I thought

2017 –  2023                Unique book 15.75 x 10.5 x 1.5   Student medical notes recorded in a 19th century ledger book with silkscreen, relief printing, watercolor illumination, Photostat transfers and 19th century medical illustration collage. $4000

In June of 2015, my brother Gregory died of colon cancer due to a lifestyle of alcoholism, depression and low self-esteem. Prior to his final year, we as brothers were estranged from each for more than 20 years. Using his medical records from the Veterans Administration, his baby book with our mother’s observations, elementary and high school records, family photographs, along with e-mails, audio recordings and contemporary photographs from his final year, I try to make sense of his life, death and our relationship to each other. In the weeks prior to his passing, I presented Greg with the ledger of medical notes and the proposal for the book for which I received his blessing to complete the project.

2022 MCBA Prize Finalist


Loss of Memory