Winter in the time of COVID

Steven Daiber

2022 Edition of five with one Artists Proof        13 x 11.5 x .5 inches  $900             

Winter in Goshen MA is dramatic, frozen ponds, windswept snow, refracted sun light on ice crystals and the sound of a frozen landscape.

The horror of vaccination denial, the January 6 attempted overthrow of the U. S. government, ideals why my father’s generation went to war are being lost and history repeats itself. War is here; carefully crafted for decades on the non-white male populous though voting and gun legislation, land control and policing. Using fear of the other through ‘The War on Drugs and Poverty’ with slight-of-hand propaganda is affectively blinding and deafening the nation.

Winter is a hard season of death on the land. 

Paper: Kyoseish, Yatsuo, Hanji, Asarakusui and Glassine


Spring in the time of ROE – SHOOTINGS

