Donde esta el Cristal?                                                                                         

2019    104 x 10 inches open. Edition of 4 and 1 artist proof, with each book unique. Silkscreen on 1978 Atlas de Cuban pages.


Donde esta el Cristal was first printed in the June heat of 2019 at the Taller de Serigrafía René Portocarrero, Havana, Cuba on the 1978 Atlas de Cuba. The text was added later at Red Trillium Press. Pamphlet bound with Kyoseishi Sora as a cover paper.

I arrived on May 27 to the José Marti national Airport as always. Noticeable the moment I walked out of the airport was the lack of old American cars. I did not see an American car in the parking lot, where were they?

Donde estas el Crystal reflects the June 2019 atmosphere in Havana with the withdraw of US tourism and other measures by the Trump administration to eliminate opening of the US - Cuban relations during the Obama administration.

Hace mucho calor! “This is a difficult time, it may be as bad as the special period.” “We stood in line for four hours waiting for chicken, then there was no chicken.”

2020 MCBA Prize Semi-Finalist


Roiling Habana